TN Status (for NAFTA Professionals)
A TN visa provides admission into the U.S. for Mexican and Canadian citizens who engage in activities at a professional level through the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). This category is similar to the H-1B visa except a TN visa can be renewed indefinitely in increments of 3 years. To be eligible for a TN visa, Mexican and Canadian citizens must have "at least a baccalaureate degree or appropriate credentials demonstrating status as a professional." The following professions are eligible for a TN visa:
- Accountants
- Actuaries
- Architects
- Computer Systems Analysts
- Disaster Relief Claims Adjusters
- Economists
- Engineers
- Foresters
- Graphic Designers
- Hotel Managers
- Industrial Designers
- Interior Designers
- Land Surveyors
- Landscape Architects
- Lawyers
- Librarians
- Management Consultants
- Mathematicians
- Medical Professionals (including dentists, nutritionists, therapists, RNs, etc.)
- Research Assistants
- Scientific Technicians/Technologists
- Scientists
- Social Workers
- Sylviculturists
- Teachers
- Technical Publications Writers
- Urban Planners
- Veterinarians
- Vocational Counselors
TN visa applicants may work in the U.S. under the following conditions:
- Applicant is a citizen of Canada or Mexico;
- Profession is on the NAFTA list;
- Position in the U.S. requires a NAFTA professional;
- Mexican or Canadian applicant is to work in a prearranged full-time or part-time job, for a U.S. employer;
- Self-employment is not permitted;
- Professional Canadian or Mexican citizen has the qualifications of the profession.
Spouses and children accompanying a TN can be admitted in TD status.